A Shetland work In Progress ! Been so busy making yarns, filling and shipping orders, making knitwear have not had time for blogging. Now that my shetlands are settled in to their cozy barn, the Ram Brae is busy doing his job on the ladies, all my little girls (gimmers=Virgins) are seperated and bed down for the winter at last i have a little more time to enjoy what keeping Shetland sheep is all about......lots of Gorgeous yarns & comfy knitwear. I started this week off with a fair isle throw knit in the yarns shown above. Pure Natural white and a light shade of gray in a beautiful lace weight yarn. I think i love Shetland yarn almost as much as i love Qiviut yarns. Here is a little Glimpse of the Throw that i will send to the lucky winner. As you can see this is the back of the throw, you will have to wait until its finished to see the front. Here is a 100% Qiviut throw i made so you can see the quality of my work and how i love the details of FINISHING ! ...
This is my place to share my love for all the things I love about Shetland sheep♥