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Mioget shawl Giveaway for August/September 2017

 Mioget Shawl

And Mioget is complete.....spans 100'' inches after blocking.

Been a very busy Spring & Summer around here......Lots of lambs-96 in total alive & well. They are everywhere i look. Some days i have so much work i don't know what job to tackle first.....thank goodness  i have a very understanding husband who loves the Sheep just as much as i do. Not to mention a family who are now city folk but love to come to the country side for weekends away.....& don't mind singing for their supper ! Before long most of the lambs will be gone, they are all sold & my work schedule will be greatly reduced....roll on !

Managed to finish a few of my UFO's lately & I'm very happy they are complete so i can move onto my next ''knitting with purpose'' project, more about that in the next blog later in the year. Oh and my NEW OUT♥LANDER inspired yarns (90% Shetland wool-10% Qiviut-musk oxen) big 150 gram skeins, will be off the machines in only a few days.....more about that in a week or so.

Shetland Tundra lace sweater, scalloped hem, neckline & sleeve edges in a picot cast off stitch. It's Lovely & soft, took only 250 grams. I already had a chance to wear it the other day when it was cold.This was a knitalong we had on Face Book. The pattern is available to purchase from Joanna Watson's Etsy store:Lallybrochgallery....Joanna is a huge Outlander fan like me !

And i managed to finish the Brae was on the needles forever but now its done & I'm happy with the results-knit in 3 sections. used natural grey & Musket organic Shetland wool.
Updated version of the Brae Shawl
And lastly My God save the Queen shawl......This poor little shawl has been on the needles since September last year !

So What is Mioget ?

Mioget is a natural colour found only in Purebred Shetland sheep. When you part the fleece of this colour sheep you see fine random strands of pale gold....its Beautiful, wonderful colour for Autumn knitwear.
The Mioget shawl is knit in 2 directions, the wings are all garter stitch but the centre back panel is lace.The right wing is knit first then you knit the back panel & Left wing at the same time collecting & knitting together the stitches from the Right wing.....its easy ! 
Will include the written pattern here as i get the knitting done. I'm using our 3ply light worsted Organic Shetland wool on a 4.5mm but you could use a larger needle if you want yours to have more drape say a 5 or 5.5mm. And if your a person who says, ''i don't wear shawls'' well this one you can wear as a large scarf if you prefer !

The finished size is very generous about 100'' inches in span. The wings just drape by your sides so you can even leave it open ! I wore mine this way out to Lunch the other day & it looked lovely with matching fawn boots.

To knit Mioget you will need:

5 skeins of our Shetland wool yarn- total yardage 850. 
4.5mm needles, straight or circular,
4 stitch markers,
wool needle to sew in your ends.


RIGHT WING Cast on 2sts, knit these 2 sts,.
slip the 1st stitch of every row, knit 3 rows them on the 4th right side row (Hang a locking st marker to show RS row) knit to last 2 sts, M1,K1 by knitting into the front & back of the stitch= 1 stitch increased. After a while you will see that the work is veering to the left & growing in width.
Work as established inc every 4th row until work measures 38'' inches long with about 78 sts on needle.

Right wing complete, added the 54 sts for lace panels + 2 sts to start the Left wing.

ADD CENTRAL BACK LACE PATTERN:Knit about 36 pattern repeats for back of the design.

On next WS row, using the 1st stitch, cast on in the following way adding stitch markers: cast on 18, pm,  cast on 18sts, pm, cast on 18sts, pm, cast on 2sts  for a total of 56 new sts. On this WS row k2, sm, purl across the next 53sts, slipping the markers as you go until you come to the last st, purl this stitch together with the first stitch from the right wing =1 stitch Dec, turn work. On the next RS row begin adding the lace pattern below:
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: (k2tog) 3 times, (yo, k1)6 times, (k2tog) 3 times; rep across the next 2 lace panels slipping markers as you go.
Row 4: Purl.

Keeping the lace panels correct & short row shaping to join the right wing to the lace panel repeat until work measures about 23'' inches long & all the sts from the Right wing are used up.

Right wing complete, Lace back panel complete & Left wing in Garter st is well underway.

On next RS row: begin by casting off the 54 lace panel sts so you have only the Garter sts inplace to continue knitting the Left wing. You will notice that the sts roll nicely to kind of hug the neck, you can keep it that way or block the shawl - i intend to block  !

To finish Left wing in Garter stitch:

(RS)- k1, k2tog, knit across remaining sts to last 2 sts, k1,m1, k1.
(WS)- knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Continue dec shaping until you are down to the last st, break yarn pull through stitch to secure it & weave in ends.

AFTER BLOCKING-spans about 100'' inches.....i love this shawl. 

And the giveaway is this: Enough skeins of Shetland wool to knit the Mioget shawl. 

1 winner drawn at random

Runs from: August 10th TO September 30th 2017.

  If i do not have any Mioget colour yarn left instock.....You get to choose what colour wool you would like to knit the shawl in. I will contact the winner.

These are the Shetland wool colours:

.......Tell me when you buy yarn do you buy it just because you see it & fall in love with the colour OR do you buy it with a project or outfit in mind ? 

Add your answer in the comments section.

And they are ready at last......My Out♥lander yarns, from Left to Right: Lallybroch, dragonfly in Amber, Over the sea to Sky & Standing stones. More colours to follow.

I will not be attending the Kitchener/Waterloo knitters fair 2017 but my friend Bobbi from Yarnsomniacs in Toronto will be selling the Out♥lander yarns in her booth. 


  1. I'm an opportunistic yarn collector, grabbing things I like when I see them. I try to get enough to make something appropriate when I can!


  2. A bit of both. Most of my current stash are saw it and fell in love. The ones that have plans I'll knit with first.

  3. Generally I'm drawn to the colour and texture of the yarn. I have so many single balls because I picked them up in the store and could not put them down. On occasion, if there are more available, I will buy two or three, but all too often I end up with orphan skeins and they end up not being enough to make a single project with. So I need to start getting creative!

  4. I usually fall in love with the colour first, then I mentally peruse my pattern library to figure out what pattern would work well with it. If I can't think of anything, it doesn't come home with me. That doesn't happen too often, though ;)

  5. If I have a larger project in mind, I will go out and purchase the yarn. But for the most part, I fall in love with the yarn... Panic... And if it is not a sock yarn, I try to get enough that would make the biggest item that suits the feel and color. Always be prepared! :)

  6. Usually I buy cuz of color and then I look for pattern. Sometimes it would be the other way around.

  7. Since most of my yarn comes from thrift shops, I can't really go looking for a specific color, type or weight of yarn. If I see a great bargain I grab it, and trust that somewhere on Ravlery I'll find the perfect pattern. When I do indulge in a trip to the LYS, I have a lot more options, but have to exercise much greater restraint. Someday I will happily lay down several hundred dollars for a sweater's worth of yarn, but that will be after "The Good Ship Lottery Pop" sails into my life. Watch for me, I will be headed this way for sure when that happens.

  8. Great question! Let's said that sometimes I just need some particular color or some soft skein that I just want to pet... I bought a lot of yarn in the past only because it was some kind of gratification. And the added bonus of spending hours, days, months on Ravelry to search for the Perfect Pattern... Now I am a little bit more project-oriented and I choose colors more carefully with an eye to the wardrobe I would like to have.

  9. I totally buy my yarn with a project I have in mind although there have been times I've fallen in love with yarn and then found a project that was perfect for it. I love to plan usually though.

  10. Sort of. :) I've gotten away from buying 'just because they're pretty' single skeins. I don't, however, buy with a specific project in mind; more like a general project category. You know, "Ooh, these two coordinating skeins would make an awesome shawl!" Or, "hmm, this would be enough for a hat - or mittens - or cowl".

  11. I met you at Twist Festival 2017 and bought so much of your wool, including, 3 Qiviut, 6 shetland qiviut blend skeins and 4 shetland skeins. I was so impressed with your yarns and the knitting you do. I can hardly wait to start. I definitely buy yarns for a specific project.

    1. Yes, it was nice to meet you. We had an awesome weekend.....came home with only a couple of black Shetland yarns unsold. Thank you for buying our yarns....happy knitting♥

  12. I buy yarn because it calls to me. I always find things to knit with it later and if not I take it out and admire it!!!

  13. I buy it for the color and the feel -- which might be why I am always a million projects behind!

  14. Both! My name is Margaret and I am an addict 😁

    1. Hello, you are our winner, please contact me with your details. congratulations !

  15. I am an addict too! I just buy yarn because I can't resist and there are so many beautiful colors and yarn fibers out there...

  16. I have tried very hard to make sure I only buy yarn with a specific project and pattern in mind- otherwise I know my yarn stash would get out of control real fast!

  17. I buy yarn for both reasons. Often, I am more project minded--especially when it comes to sweaters and bigger projects; but if a skein is just too lovely to put down, it will be mine even if I have nothing in mind for it! (I'm knittingthestash on Ravelry) Lovely new shawl you have there! And congrats on the growing flock of Shetlands!

  18. Congratulations on all your new lambies! I think I do a bit of both - buying for specific project and buying because I can't help myself. Thank you so much for this very generous giveaway! Congratulations on your new yarn!!

  19. I mostly buy for a project but my last purchase was strictly based on the colour - a stunning blue I just couldn't pass up. I'd probably think twice about going that route again though because I ended up scrambling to get more for the project I eventually chose.

    Shetland wool - an absolute joy to knit with! Love it.

  20. I usually buy in this order... must be natural fibre, then colour (generally bright), then try and dream up a project for the amount I see in front of me! I do tend towards more exotic yarns - that's why I'm here. Let's face it I have more yarn than I can knit at any one time, my stash is a little out of hand.

  21. Yarn love first....project plans as justification.
    tktl on Ravelry

  22. In the age I am now, I mostly purchase for the project. However, I knit socks a lot, and will purchase sock yarn by the colour and natural fibres. I figure I will get it knit into socks, eventually, for me or for gift.
    I at times purchase lovely hand dyed yarn for scarf knitting, by the colour and fibres used.
    It is always such a lift treat to come to your blog. Wow the sheep are darling and so interesting looking. I appreciate they are giving living beings, and I love the look of the wool they offer. Wow them, thank you and them!

  23. I love the yarn. I enjoy learning about the different breeds and the uses of the fleeces, the more I learn the less I want commercial yarns, I find myself looking for "farm", authentic yarns, I love the smell and the feel, soft or no.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Usually I buy it because I fall in love with it and just have to have it. But sometimes I buy it with a specific project in mind. Sometimes it gets knitted up into what I intended it for but as often as not it gets knit up into something completely different.

  26. I love it in the white and I just buy yarn if I like it and usually pick out a project later.

  27. I like to think that I buy yarn with a project in mind, but most often that means seeing a yarn I want to buy and thinking of a project to make with it. And if I can't think of a project quickly enough, I may go ahead and buy the yarn anyway if it speaks to me loudly enough :)

  28. I usually fine the project then purchase the yarn. But I have been known to cbuy just because I love the colours of all sizes. Thanks for the opportunity. TerryLee

  29. I usually fine the project then purchase the yarn. But I have been known to cbuy just because I love the colours of all sizes. Thanks for the opportunity. TerryLee

  30. I mostly buy yarn because I love the color and texture, and find a pattern to match after the fact. But I mostly do smaller scale projects like socks, mittens, and cowls, so it's ok if I only have a couple of skeins. But lately I've been branching out into larger scale items like shawls, so for those I buy yarn for the specific project to be sure I have enough.

  31. I like the color black. When I purchase yarn I generally have a pattern in mind. However, in the past, I have purchased yarn because I like the yarn. Also, I consider other projects other than the the original project in mind, yardage permitting.


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