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Shetland Wool cabled mitt kit - February giveaway

Felted shetland mittens with lace cuffs !

Giveaway for February 2013.......i know i was supposed to be showing the shetland shawl but just have not had the time to clip and spin the wool. We are so busy in the mill working on 100% qiviut yarns, machine knitting orders and all the packing and shipping !

 I hope to be able to have the shawl kit ready for the April Blog entry so do check back for that its worth the wait !!!!

 All is not lost though, i have managed to work on these mitts from 100% shetland wool in this lovely 3ply in Rich Bordeaux......i Love how the natural Shetland wool takes the dye. Colours are clear and bright with wonderful stitch definition ! The mitts at the top are knit from Natural white shetland 3ply yarn with a little bit of no white left until i clip my shetlands on 24th feb !
The mittens are very thick and sturdy. I'm knitting them with 2 strands of 3ply held together and will soften up after i throw them in the dryer for 15 minutes on MED heat setting. Wool developes a lovely soft halo after you break down the fibers a little.

Imagine how the shetland wool will look when dyed using these colours below.....
The yarns above are 50% qiviut-merino so they are slighly darker than what we would experience with pure light grey shetland wool yarn. Choose from the colours listed (colours Left To Right)
1: Hunter green,
2: slate blue,
3: Turkey red,
4: Purple,
5: Raven Black,
6: Mahogany,
7: Raspberry,
8: Egyptian red,
9: Bordeaux,
10: Navy blue,
11: Azalea.

The Bordeaux is working out wonderfully......and the colour does not bleed at all !
For the past few months i have been trying different dye/heat methods to get as many of our yarns as possible to be colourfast and i think i have cracked it.....less dye, more heat and 7% Vinegar solution.

These will be perfect to wear while walking the dogs. they are quite thick and heavy i'm sure the wind will not pass through them !

FROM: 08th Feb TO 28th Feb 2013.
Two winners will be dreawn at random.
In comments section simply tell us what colour yarn you would like in your kit !
Open to knitters world of Luck !


  1. OMG!! Those are gorgeous!! I'd like Mahogany with Bordeaux cuffs please!!!

  2. Love the Bordeaux! The yarn looks & sounds lovely to knit. :)

  3. Hunter Green! But the colors are all beautiful

  4. I love Reds, wo either the Egyptian Red or the Turkey Red!

  5. Too many beautiful choices! Bordeaux with Raspberry or Slate Blue? Or Purple with Slate Blue. Or Slate Blue with Hunter Green!

  6. So hard to choose! I guess I would narrow it down to Egyptian Red. Thanks for the chance :-)

  7. For cabled mittens, I'd choose Slate Blue.

  8. Hard choice, but I think I would go with Hunter Green!

  9. I would definitely go with Bordeaux!

    --Andy Jo--

  10. So many colors to choose from, I like navy blue the most.

  11. oooooh! Hunter green, although it's a very difficult choice. Thanks for great giveaways.

  12. So pretty. I think I would like the Turkey Red color! A warm color for warm mitts!

  13. Ooooh a difficult choice, but I really love the Hunter green. Thanks so much for the chance.

    sherryglover1 on Rav

  14. Wow it's so pretty! I would love to have navy blue! Thank you!

    miaomiao on Rav

  15. I think navy blue would be beautiful. Thanks so much.

  16. I really like the hunter green and slate blue.

  17. Ohh the Bordeaux is my favorite, but they are all beautiful!

  18. I would love a pair in the Egyptian red!

    greyowl (ravelry id)

  19. So beautiful, there is no bad choice; but I would love the hunter green.

  20. Your yarn sounds yummy! please let me win either the Bordeauz or the Egyptian red.

  21. Oh, I love the Hunter Green. Would make a beautiful Smokering.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Egyptian Red, Raven Black ~ all-any ~ gorgeous mittens! seductive yarn pictures! then I would NEED to purchase the same colour for a cowl or scarf, and then...what delightful dreaming!

  24. ooh me! pick me! Mahogany please. I'm hegglehog on Rav.

  25. i love Hunter green


  26. Love the mittens, especially would love them in Hunter green!

  27. Absolutely love the mittens. I think my most favorite would be in Raven Black. Thanks for the give-away!!! I'll be your newest follower!! Blessings~~Shine

  28. I'd love to try purple to make them for a friend! :) Thanks for the chance :)

  29. wow - I am loving the slate or the bordeaux - both are so lovely, and those mittens are gorgeous!

  30. love the raven and mahogany! wonderful for cold maine winters!!!

  31. Love the richness of the bordeaux colour. And cables are always a favourite.

  32. Amazing!!! HUNTER GREEN with the lovely featured pattern, please!
    ~FirelightSpinner on Ravelry

  33. I would love the raspberry!!! :D Your yarns are so wonderful!

  34. Beautiful colours, I would choose the slate blue. Thank you
    -nikkiLi ravelry

  35. I would love to have a pair of those in black or Bordeaux (or both) You have lovely, rich colors.
    I am a Shetland sheep breeder and lover too. Actually, it's more of an addiction that I don't see going away anytime in the near future. I have a flock of approx. 40 Shetland sheep in Monroe, WI USA. Found you on Ravelry, so I slipped over to check out your blog, please feel free to check mine out at

    1. Hi Kelly, nice to meet you ! wow 40 heads thats a lot of wool and yarn. I only have 12 so i'm just playing with them but so far i'm loving it. I used to run a commercial flock of 275 heads so it was'nt much fun just lots of work but the shetlands are great. I love how i never have to sell another meat lamb again....i just want beautiful fiber to play with and care for happy sheep. I sure will check out your blog Thank you ! Best regards Lorraine

  36. Wow! Any color would be wonderful! Thanks for the chance.

  37. I got my package today; thank-you SO much! The Bordeaux is a beautiful, rich color, and I'm looking forward to knitting with it!

    1. Hi Michelle,
      please keep in mind that the yarn is not made from our own shetlands its raw fiber i bought in from a ranch in New brunswick canada.....not very good quality and i paid a high price for it too ! Purchased some jet black and it was loaded with white guard hairs....just so pleased i never bought sheep from them ! Not to worry all my little friends are clipped now and i just made a batch of white....sooooo soft ! Have fun, God bless♥


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