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Shetland wool Fair isle throw giveaway for November 2013

A Shetland work In Progress !

Been so busy making yarns, filling and shipping orders, making knitwear have not had time for blogging. Now that my shetlands are settled in to their cozy barn, the Ram Brae is busy doing his job on the ladies, all my little girls (gimmers=Virgins) are seperated and bed down for the winter at last i have a little more time to enjoy what keeping Shetland sheep is all about......lots of Gorgeous yarns & comfy knitwear.
I started this week off with a fair isle throw knit in the yarns shown above. Pure Natural white and a light shade of gray in a beautiful lace weight yarn. I think i love Shetland yarn almost as much as i love Qiviut yarns. 

Here is a little Glimpse of the Throw that i will send to the lucky winner. As you can see this is the back of the throw, you will have to wait until its finished to see the front.

Here is a 100% Qiviut throw i made so you can see the quality of my work and how i love the details of FINISHING !  (To enlarge any picture just click on it)
The fair isle throw as you can see is machine made, (machine made with lots of hand finishing).

I make and convert my own machine knit cards from this book....this is indeed a fair Isle Bible for all those who love Fair Isle knitting.

 Must be over 5000 Motif in this book.... Thank you to Sheila McGregor for making the huge effort in writing this book. It has so much info that you can't help but get lost within the pages and drool over all the beautiful designs. There are lots of interesting facts about how & why Shetlanders  became known world over for their fair isle knitwear. The title of the book: 
The Complete Book Of Traditional Fair Isle Knitting By Sheila McGregor. Its long out of print but you may be as Lucky as i was and find a copy on Ebay. I got this for $15.00.....what a steal !

As you can see its almost done. The next step is to finish all edges & mitre all 4 corners for a professional finish.
To Mitre, this is how i do it:
I Prefer my corners more rounded. Firstly i finish both ends of the throw in K2, P2 rib, work about 10 rows, cast off. Next on the RS of work i pick up & knit along the length one side & then every row i pick up a loop from the rib edge at the begining of that row & end of the row & knit that loop together with the 1st & last stitch, this makes the corner more round. rep for the other edge working about 10 rows rib !

This is the finished throw. Also found it doubles as a Shawl.....just got to block it then it will be ready for the draw on the 30th november.

And because i been such a good girl i decided to treat myself to this new release book as recommended by The Fair isle knitter Kate Davies.  Book is from The Shetland Amenity Society of Lerwick & i'm so pleased i did ! This book is so heavy to hold & best suited to table reading. Its packed full of information on the Shetlands, knitwear & its people with beautiful illustrations throughout. worth every penny
Cost 54.95 pounds= $93.00cad

To win the finished throw: Tell me is what your Favourite Shade of Natural Shetland yarn ?

Dark Brown, Black, Shaela, Emsket, Gray, Light Gray, White, Musket, Fawn, Mioget, Moorit.... 

One winner drawn at Random.
Open from 4th November 2013 TO 30th November 2013.
I will add pictures of the finished throw in a few days.
Best of Luck !

The Qiviut blog monthly giveaway is posted....this month its for raw musk ox down & some very lovely mill ends


  1. My favorite color is black or dark shaela, but its so hard to knit with!

  2. I have to agree with you Natural black is beautiful but the Black is not too hard on the eyes if knitting in summer months when there is lots of natural light !

  3. I love the Moorit..........and a chance to win a finished throw knit in Shetland wool!

  4. I think Moorit, but I also like the Dark Brown. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the contest :)

  5. Gray, without a doubt. They're all beautiful, but this gorgeous gray is definitely my favorite. It's just amazing the range of colors that occur naturally!

  6. I'm a fan of gray. It reminds me of rocky coastlines!

  7. I love the white...idk why it is my fave except it reminds me of clouds...soft,mooshey clouds. :)

  8. I like dark Moorit or Dark Brown with the auburn tones. There is something cuddly about that colour.

  9. I like the pale cream or oatmeal of Musket and also the darker Moorit, just like my hair colour used to be:)

  10. I love the pale cream and the auburn color. MIT is really hard to choose a favorite.

    sherryglover1 on RAV

  11. I love the Moorit, as I have a 5 month old wether that is this color! Beautiful work!
    jensgreycar on Ravelry

  12. My favorite is Mioget, by far. I bought a mioget fleece, spun and knit gloves and sold some hand spun yarn and I could kick myself for selling the yarn. It glowed.

  13. Love the dark rich browns but any natural colour is lovely to me :-)

  14. I will have to say Gray, because I love all shades of gray. Nothing, to me, looks more classic that a grey knitted anything - sweater, hat, scarf, etc.

  15. Yvonne ( 14, 2013 at 7:44 AM

    Hard to choose, but I find emsket lovely!

  16. I love fawn! Thanks for the chance :-)

  17. All the shetland colours are lovely but I'm drawn to Moorit!

  18. I have to pick just one? Emsket, I just love the hint of blue

  19. I love Fawn! Thanks for the giveaway!! Crossing my fingers

  20. It's a tough choice, but I think my favourite is dark brown. Thanks for the opportunity!

  21. this is spectacular. i really love your throw/shawl. i'm afraid i don't know all the colors you have named. but anything natural like in this beautiful shawl i love. i would be thrilled to win.

    1. Hello Lori ann, Congratulations your our random winner ! Please contact me so I can mail your Throw so you have it in time for Christmas.

    2. !!!!!! thrilled here!! thank you SO MUCH!!

  22. I love the natural white, but of course it's the contrast between two colors that makes fair isle so beautiful.

  23. I, too, love all the natural colors, but the white is the most comforting to me, mixed in with the light gray and gray gives the softness of the early winter skies. There is just an amazing feeling to be surrounded by the natural feel of fibers spun with love and care.

  24. Fawn has to be my fave, but they are all gorgeous! What a glorious throw!

  25. fawn I think, and the sheep themselves are so darn pretty.

  26. lots of lovely colours to choose from! however I have a dark brown - don't know the name of it.. have spun and made a number of men's hats from it! lovely fibre to work with. Hope to get some more!!


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