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Ram horns hat pattern

                             Organic lamb pie With Flaky Puff pastry......yummy !

Do you know that one of the traits of Shetland lamb is that the meat is sweet & mild tasting. We eat Shetland lamb about 5 times week now as we just do not trust any commercial meat what with all the additives, GMO's, Preservatives & SEX hormones that are injected into livestock to make them grow quickly. I like to call it CLEAN Living. I will talk more about this in a future post & will be adding some of my family's favourite recipes for Lamb to the Canadian Shetland sheep breeders face book page. This is a closed group, send them a request to join !

While baking Vegetable lamb pie waiting for the family to arrive for the weekend, I wanted to design a chunkier hat with cables & came up with this one. This can be knit over a weekend. I'm planning on knitting several to have them ready for the winter time when family stop over for country weekend breaks(city folk Love the peace & quiet of rural life) Someone always forgets to dress for the cold.

You will need: 150 grams of yarn with about 500 yards. I used 3 strands of our 3ply light worsted weight 100% Organic Shetland wool.
5mm circular needle-40cm,
1 set of D.P.N's size 5mm 
8 stitch markers- 1 contrast.
PomPom maker 3'' inch size(medium)
Wool needle.

The design- has a 2.5'' inch turn up so its really cosy around the ears, easy ram horned cabled pattern throughout, top shaping & a lovely PomPom to finish !

knit throughout with 3 strands of yarn held together.
cast on 88 sts, join to work in the rnd & place a marker to mark the beg of rnd.

Ribbed cuff: k2, p2 for 26 rnds or until work measures 5''inches long from cast on edge.

Pattern Set up - work pattern A, pm(place marker), work row 1 of pattern B pm-continue around working A & B until your back to your first stitch marker. Pattern A is worked over 6 sts & the cabled horn pattern is worked over 16 sts.

Pattern A

1: p2, k1, p2, k1.
2: as rnd 1.
3: purl all sts.
4: as rnd 3. 

Pattern B-cabled horns.

1: k4, C4B, C4F, k4.
2: knit all sts.
3: k2, C4B, k4, C4F, k2.
4: as rnd 2.
5: C4B, k8, C4F.
6: as rnd 2
Rep these 6 rounds  until work measures 8.5'' inches long from cast on edge.

Decrease for top shaping:

dec's are made over the pattern rows A while keeping the cabled pattern correct !
1: p2tog, p4, rep over all sts of pattern A.
2: purl,
3: p2tog, k1, p2.
4: p1, k1, p2.
5: p2, p2tog.
6: purl.
7: p2tog, k1.
8: p1, k1.
On round 9 k2tog on All rem sts.
10: break yarn leaving a long tail, pull through rem sts to gather & sew end inside hat-LEAVE THE TAIL INSIDE THE HAT-you will tie this end together with the tail of the pompom so your PomPom with stay put !
Turn up the brim half way, gently press with a damp cloth & allow to dry then add your Pompom.


I used a plastic pompom maker. Got these in a 5 pack with different sizes from Ebay. They open up so you can wrap quickly(remember the old style pompom makers that were a fixed circle & having to pull yarns through the hole....what a waste of time) I used a size  3''inch
The trick to getting a Full & even pompom is to wrap as evenly as possible having equal amounts of yarn spread over the two chambers & see the hole that should be quite full & barely visible if you want a Full fluffy Pompom !
C4B=put next 2 sts onto cable needle. hold at back, knit next 2 sts from left hand needle, then knit the 2 sts from cable needle.
C4F=same as above only hold the 2 sts at front of work
pm=place a marker

I know a lot of people may not eat lamb or meat for that matter......I'm not prejudice to non-meat eaters. If you do not eat meat then simply say so.

To enter this giveaway tell me if you have ever tried Shetland lamb, did you like it or not. 

Did you find that the taste is very subtle compared to regular domestic lamb ?

One winner drawn at random will receive 3 skeins of yarn to knit the Ram Horns hat.
runs from June 11th TO June 30th 2016.

Next time i will share my best tasting leg of Lamb recipe & how to get the meat falling off the bone with tenderness ♥


  1. I don't eat lamb, the taste doesn't appeal to me. But I'm sure going to keep this pattern handy. It's beautiful!!!

    1. Margaret, that is what my son in law thought about the taste of lamb too until he tried the purebred Shetland lamb with its mild sweet taste. Have a great trip, hope you gets lots of knitting in♥

  2. Haven't tried Shetland, but I do like lamb!

  3. No, I haven't tried Shetland, lamb meat is rather difficult to find in stores over here.

  4. I haven't tasted Shetland lamb, though I do enjoy long-cooked lamb from my slow-cooker, for example. It makes a hearty stew for the weekend.

  5. I do not think I have ever had Shetland lamb but love lamb. I grill, stew and bake it. Next time I go the Sheep festival I will ask the retailer what breed of sheep they use. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. one of the characteristics of shetland meat is that it has a much milder taste than that of commercial lamb. i encourage anyone who usually eats lamb to try it !

    2. #5 was the number drawn ! Congrats, please contact me with your details. cottageqiviutatoutlookdotcom

  6. I am a meat eater,but have never had lamb. Have eaten moose,bear and deer ,but will have to try lamb soon. Will add this to the "Something new to try list" .Lobster is also on that list.No one can believe I have never had either. Thanks for the pattern. Love your yarn.

  7. I haven't had Shetland lamb. Although, I have had Australian lamb. It is yummy.

  8. I've never tried Shetland Lamb.

  9. I lived in the Middle East for years and they cook delish sheep and goat, so love both. They are wonder animals that feed and cloths us.

  10. Received Shetland yarn a few days ago. It is so soft. Will start knitting soon. Can not wait to make the hat.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you for letting me know it arrived Michele...have fun ♥


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